Ankle Arthroscopy

What Is Ankle Arthroscopy?

Unlocking Ankle Arthroscopy: Advanced Ankle Care at City Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

Empower Your Ankle Health

Demystifying Ankle Arthroscopy: A Gateway to Effective Ankle Care

Ankle arthroscopy is a cutting-edge medical procedure that employs minimally-invasive techniques to diagnose and treat a variety of ankle conditions and injuries. This includes issues like ankle instability and cartilage damage. The utilization of minimally-invasive methods translates into numerous advantages for our patients, such as shorter recovery times, reduced infection risks, and fewer complications compared to traditional open surgery. At City Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine., our skilled surgeons are proficient in the application of arthroscopic approaches to effectively manage the full spectrum of ankle problems.

Why Opt for Ankle Arthroscopy?

Ankle arthroscopy can effectively address a wide array of ankle conditions, including:

  • Ankle arthritis
  • Ankle sprains
  • Ankle fractures
  • Ankle bone spurs
  • Cartilage defects or injuries
  • Post-fracture stiffness

The Anatomy of Ankle Arthroscopy

On the day of your ankle arthroscopy, you can anticipate the following procedural steps:

  1. Minuscule Incisions: Tiny incisions are meticulously crafted near the ankle, providing access for the arthroscope.
  2. Arthroscope Deployment: The arthroscope, equipped with a camera at one end, captures detailed images of your ankle joint’s interior, enabling your surgeon to gain invaluable insights.
  3. Guided Repairs: The arthroscope serves as a navigational tool for your surgeon to meticulously repair any damaged portions of your ankle.
  4. Incision Closure: Once all necessary repairs are completed, your surgeon seals the incisions using stitches.

Subsequent to your ankle arthroscopy, you will engage in follow-up consultations with a medical professional to outline a comprehensive recovery plan. Thanks to the minimally-invasive nature of arthroscopy surgery, your recovery period will be notably shorter compared to traditional open surgery. Rest assured, we will equip you with all the essential information, including tailored recommendations such as the incorporation of physical therapy into your recovery journey.

Experience the Advantages of Ankle Arthroscopy

Specialty Orthopaedics is steadfast in delivering top-tier, evidence-based care for all ankle-related concerns. Choosing our practice for your ankle arthroscopy bestows numerous benefits:

  • Ankle Pain Alleviation
  • Minimally-Invasive Approach
  • Revitalized Ankle Functionality and Range of Motion
  • Swift and Safe Return to Beloved Activities
  • Seasoned and Compassionate Ankle Orthopedic Surgeons
  • Evidence-Backed Orthopedic Surgery Techniques
  • Conducted at Premier Orthopedic Healthcare Facilities

Don’t let ankle discomfort hinder your active lifestyle. Unlock advanced ankle care at City Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine.

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